Monday, September 15, 2014

Start the Mommy Reset Challenge Today!

The Mommy Reset Challenge begins September 15, 2014

It's back to school and some of us are already four weeks in!  I'm hearing some mommies start to say the the routine and the business is waging war on their bodies and minds, so it's time...time to hit the "Mommy Reset Button!"  Here are the details:

"Lisa Druxman, founder of FIT4MOM has joined forces with Mareya Ibrahim, founder of to share their tips and tricks with those who struggle to find the health and life balance in work and motherhood.  As entrepreneurs and moms themselves, they created the Mommy Reset Challenge, the first free video and email series of it’s kind that will guide women through a 10-day “reset” program.  The challenge launches September 15th, 2014."  THAT'S TODAY!!!

"Being a mom has always been a full time job but never before has it been so full.  A recent report by the Pew Foundation reveals not only are numbers for working moms up – but that mothers are now the sole or primary income provider in a record 40% of American households with children.(1)  Lisa Druxman and Mareya Ibrahim have created Mommy Reset with a mission to share and teach moms how to kick off back to school and the fall season feeling focused and recharged. 

The series is free and easily downloaded to a laptop, iPad or phone with each video being 3 minutes in length. 

Step 1:  Press the Reset Button!  Join us and commit the time to reset, recharge and refocus.  Call a friend or 20 and get ready for the ride.

Step 2:  Regain the Focus – The goal with this video is to help live a life with purpose and productivity and rule out the feeling of being too busy or overwhelmed.

Step 3: Prune and Clear The Clutter – Everyone has the same 168 hours in the week.  This video shares how to re-prioritize and ensure we utilize them well.

Step 4: Purge Your Pantry – This video shares what foods to get rid of and how to start making way for the better-for-you items in your pantry – it’s the difference between “phood” and “food!”

Step 5: Fueling with Food – How to plan and prep to eat clean and easy.  This video shares how to serve “fit food fast” and feed your families nourishing food for all to enjoy.

Step 6:  Increase the Activity - This video shares how to be effective with exercise to make every effort count and ultimately, build strength.

Step 7: Be a Mindful Mama: This video is all being present, in the moment, and doing things with intention.  Constantly multi-tasking, you might just miss some of the most important events in life.

Step 8: Put it all into Practice:  Now that you’ve hung with us for the program, you’re ready to put all of these steps into practice.  Hopefully you’re refueled and ready to rock!

Step 9:  Share what You’ve Learned:  Here’s an opportunity to share with others what you’ve achieved with the Mommy Reset.  Pay it forward and encourage others to participate.

Step 10:  Enter the Contest:  Now that you’ve rewarded yourself with the Mommy Reset Challenge, we’re going to bring you even more good stuff.  Watch for the special instructions on how to enter our giveaway for an awesome prize package worth over $500 and other value-added offers.

People are encouraged to sign up for the FREE 10-day Mommy Reset Challenge at, or clicking HERE before September 15th, 2014 to secure their spot.  Social media followers will be able to share updates and progress at #mommyreset, #fit4mom and #eatcleaner.  On day 10, participants will receive special instructions on how to enter for a prize package worth over $500."

Are you ready to hit the button and begin the challenge?

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